This week we are learning and mastering properly punctuating dialogue. It can be tricky. Students don't notice how often they see it, how it works exactly, and how to write their own. They often don't recognize it as dialogue.
I start by having students analyze objects in the bin. They are then to brainstorm about how these objects would act as if they are humans- as a way to introduce character traits. Some of the objects I put in their bins this year were paper clips, fuzzy pens, pom-poms, and eraser tops. They get pretty creative with the items.
After that I prompt them to then brainstorm the different words they could use as speech tags to convey to their audience those character traits. (Speech tags like said, yelled, and asked are off limits)
Then, in their "table-hoods" they are to create a poster about a character of their choosing (does not have to be from the object bin) and (1) illustrate the character, (2) surround him/her with the speech tags, and (3) frame the picture with 4 examples of dialogue.
And then I tidy it up a little bit.
This year one of my classes really made me giggle. They were so inspired by the character they created of the Fuzzy Red Pen they used her as their character for their poster.
Her name is Beatrice.
She is a granny who loves tracksuits, eats too much bubble gum, and speed walks around the mall! Their poster was just as hilarious. Please notice some of the dialogue-
"My chewing gum brings all the boys to the yard," announced Beatrice.
"Excuse me, I need to buy another tracksuit," informed Beatrice.
"My chewing gum is losing flavor!" shrieked Beatrice.
And my personal favorite...
"I'm single and ready to flamingle!"cackled Beatrice.
Even my principal got to witness that little gem in class.
Their creativity and enthusiasm was pure magic.