Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow days

We have slowly been adding elements to our bedroom that assist in the creation of a caved, oasis-- shielding my eyes from the light of day to postpone the morning for as long as I can, encouraging a deep slumber. 
But there is no stopping the bright, white, snow light. There is nothing like it. I'm pretty sure the fact that I almost always have off work when it snows furthers my love for a good snow. Every year as the first few flakes begin to fall, I make a point of it to take a little stroll enjoying the floating, white flakes as they descend towards the ground. But here we are, at the beginning of March on my eleventh snow day- so I'm simply going to stay put, bundled up with coffee, a book, and my dogs -- simply a captive audience for the snow dance. 


  1. "A captive audience for the snow dance"....many people have had that dance this winter. Your dogs seem to be enjoying the snow!

  2. Your writing is wonderful. Enjoy your snow day. Your dogs belong on greeting cards.

  3. That snow light is blinding and hard to sleep through when the sun shines. Snow days a a respite during the winter, but eleven might be sending one over the edge. Shame to have to spend those lovely spring days making up for the snow dance.

  4. I can identify with your bedroom cave creation - when I look at my own window fortress, I feel a sense of pride. My ability to obstruct the blinding brightness of snow, even for just 30 extra minutes of slumber, is a victory in itself.

  5. I have done the same for most of the day. I did wander outside and take my dog for a walk as she LOVES the snow. Happy reading!!!

  6. Anonymous5.3.15

    People up in PA, NY and all other northern states are probably shaking their heads at us Virginians (out of jealousy, I am sure ;) ), because we actually get to enjoy the snow from our home windows rather than our office windows. By the way, you have always had such a way with words - glad to see it hasn't changed!

  7. Oh my...11 snow days. I can't imagine. We would be going to school all summer just to make them up! I love the image of a "snow dance."

  8. No snow here but I love the idea of a cave-like retreat. This is where we rejuvenate and recharge for the world that's waiting outside. Imagine greeting each day as your dogs do rushing to go outside. Better build a bigger cave.
